Lyte Overview Page

About Lyte Foundation

How It Started

Lyte Foundation, founded in 2021, was started by two young and visionary adults namely, Oliver Boakye and Rashida Adiyah. They both found out they share the same dream and had a soft-spot for the needy.
Therefore, they started a charity foundation, to help donate to orphanage homes across Ghana. They first started the foundation by creating a group on whatsapp and shared the group link across various social media platforms to find other people who shared the same dream. Many people from different backgrounds joined the group because the vision was getting them involved. Of course, everyone wants to be a part of something great but no one was ready to pay the price.
The difficulty was when each group ember was to pay the monthly dues. every one refused to pay and no one was even replying to he messages in the whatsapp group. At this point, the group founders started to pick out the quality and devoted from the quantity. They organized a group meet and greet function. The members were to travel to a certain location for a meeting, wach member that attended the meetin was assigned to be an executive. And they started from there. They created accounts on each social media platform and a google mail and created this website.

Our mission is summarized in a story form below

Once upon a time, there was a small village nestled in the mountains. The villagers were poor and struggled to make ends meet. They had no access to basic necessities such as clean water, education, and healthcare. One day, a group of kind-hearted individuals from the city decided to start a charity foundation to help the village. They raised funds and built a school, a clinic, and a water filtration system for the village. The village was transformed. Children were able to attend school and receive an education. The clinic provided much-needed medical care to the villagers. And the water filtration system ensured that the villagers had access to clean and safe water. The villagers were forever grateful to the charity foundation. They no longer had to struggle to survive, and their children had a chance at a better future. The charity foundation continued to help the village and other communities in need. They provided food, clothing, and shelter to those who were less fortunate. They also helped to create jobs and income-generating opportunities for the villagers. Through the generosity and kindness of others, the village was able to thrive and the lives of the villagers were forever changed. This is the power of charity and the difference that it can make in the world. Donate now and be a part of the change. You can help make a difference in the lives of people in need. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.